Monday, January 5, 2009

I/You can only do so much...

"I/You Can only Do So Much"

_I'm sure a phrase like this has passed by most of us. We've thought it, said it, or had it recited to us. (It crosses my mind probably every other day.) It's so common, it probably has lost most of its meaning. Which brings up a good point,  How much meaning does it have? To most of us anyway.
_Recently I was part of a conversation in which I quoted it, and was informed that,
while nice, it was just words. Is it? Needless to say, I've obviously put  some thought to it.
_It can be, if you want it to be. If that's the case, they're nice words. Maybe fed up with what ever is going on, and the words are a good replacement for those of us who would rather not want to curse. Maybe even a good excuse to not continue with something or to take on something new.
_The phrase, I think, can also be something else. An invitation, a challenge even, to evaluate where you are. Whether said by someone else or to yourself. As I pointed out in the begining the phrase "I can only do so much" probably crosses my mind every other day. Ussually as a sign of some form of frustration. Although, at times, it's not just frustration.  When I feel not just frustrated, but overloaded and run down. When, as we've all felt I'm sure, I can't seem to get anything accomplished. I know what I need to do, or get done within a certain time frame, but no matter how hard I just doesn't happen. And I'm not really any closer to my goal(s) as when I started.
_Yes, I know, we all feel like this at times. Maybe more often then some would like. Yet
do we always realize why? Because we CAN only do so much. We just can't always see it because we're in the middle of it. Rather like being in the center of a rather large tornado. (Ever seen the movie "Day After Tommorow"?? Remember the eye of the storms?) At the very center all is calm while everything around us seems to be moving hecticly, even chaoticly, of its own accord. We see whats right around us, almost oblivious to evrything outside the center, or eye, of our own storm. Our lives.
_The analogy may not be completely correct, but I think some out there can see the comparison. While not everything around us is distructive, acctually very little of it may be, it all takes its toll. Dealing with children, (We love 'em, theyre the joy of our lives, and can drive us nuts) Family members, significant others (Yes, Husbands, wives, Boy/Girlfreinds, that wonderfull pet we had imported from Australia and lovingly call "Fred", whatever), Work, Freinds. Things in our day to day lives which may call for a commitment beyond that one day, that one hour. All of it can, and often does take its toll even if we don't always notice it. Physicaly, emotionally, and even spiritually.
_Obviously, especially when we hear that phrase, we need to step back, take stock, and see what the heck is going on. If we're suffering because we've obviously overcommited ourselves, or taken on something that may add more of a load then we can handle, then something needs to change.
_A period of evaluation is at hand. Putting a priority on our tasks and commitments. An easy method from here would be to cut off everything with a low priority. And/Or working only with the top (Pick a number) on that priority list and coming back to the others as opertunity presents itself. Yet that may not be the best way to go about it. Some things should always be a priority. Like time for yourself. Everyone is a little different, and will have a different set of priorities.
_Some things, which may warrent a high priority, may also be the most detrimental. Hence a difference between what SHOULD be a priority, and what you, or I, WILL set as a priority. I'm oviously not going to keep going on with somethng that ends up being detrimental, harmfull, to me.

_Basicly, when the phrase "I/You can only do so much." comes it just a phrase? Is it just words? Or is it a Sign that maybe someone needs to do a little evaluating and "house cleaning"? That's up to you to decide. We all need to from time to time.
_Most of what I have said may seem, and be, rather obvious. Let's face it though, in todays world the obvious, the simple stuff, can often be forgoten or overlooked.

_Know I don't know if the two wonderfull peaple I was talking to will read this. (Yes I
said WONDERFULL , despite and even possibly because of ones veiws of Roos.) I hope they do, and that I do not offend somehow. Who knows, maybe I have helped a little. But probably not.. LOL
_Anyway, I thank them for making me's an odd sensation, and I like it. :-)
What are your thoughts? Am I full of it? Did I miss something? Comment...I dare you.

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